Thank you for being a part of SPARC’s creative community. Your support has enabled us to remain active and responsive to communities in need during the current social and global health crises. SPARC is founded on the premise that art empowers communities to advocate for a just and equitable world. We are committed to advancing the work of artists and activists, and providing opportunities for the next generation of arts leaders to create transformative public art. Your support helps us to
• Train the next generation of socially engaged muralists and artists
• Sustain our Arts Education program in underserved LAUSD schools
• Create new sites of public memory that rise from within communities
• Exhibit contemporary social activist artwork by emerging and established artists
• Provide resources to muralists, scholars, and community organizations
• Preserve the legacy of historically significant community-based murals
Thank you for your support!
We know you could have given to any number of organizations,
so we want to send our deepest thanks to you for choosing Name!
We would LOVE it if you could let your friends and loved ones know about
your support of our work by sharing this via social media using the links below!